Road Scholars: We’ve mapped locations visited by faculty over the summer to teach, conduct research, and participate in global information exchange

map with purple pin

Global engagement is a two-way street. During the academic year, scholars from around the world come to Washington Square to share and impart knowledge. Each summer, the flow reverses: many Law School faculty members head to locations around the country and the world to teach, lecture, participate in conferences and workshops, and conduct research.

Toward the end of each summer, we survey faculty members about their scholarship-related travel and then plot their activities on a map. On July 5, for example, Professor of Clinical Law Margaret Satterthwaite ’99 delivered a lecture on “Women's Equality in Judicial Systems” in Accra, Ghana, and then later in the summer visited three cities in Chile as part of an official country visit in her role as United Nations special rapporteur on the independence of judges..

University Professor Joseph Weiler’s globetrotting took him to Germany, Israel, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia and Spain, where he delivered lectures on topics ranging from “Post-WWII International Law” to “King Solomon—How Power, Money and Sex Corrupt Even the Wisest of Men.”

The locations visited and the topics engaged with by all 25 faculty members who responded to our 2024 survey can be found on the map embedded below or viewed in this full-screen version. By clicking on the map pins, you can read details for each location. You can also track the itinerary of a particular professor by clicking on his or her name in the left-hand panel.

Posted August 27, 2024